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How to Create a mobile WAP site for your blog ?

What is WAP ?
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is an open international standard for application-layer network communications in a wireless-communication environment. To enable easy fast delivery of relevant information and services to mobile users. Click Wikipedia (mobile) to view Wikipedia on a mobile device

A WAP browser is a commonly used web browser for small mobile devices such as cell phones or PDAs, developed to allow a realistic browsing experience to users. Given then, the inherent physical and technical limitations of these devices such as size and data transfer speeds, new code was created, and the WAP browser accesses websites written in, or dynamically converted to, WML (Wireless Markup Language).

What ty
pe of devices will use WAP?
Handheld digital wireless devices such as mobile phones, pagers, two-way radios, smartphones and communicators -- from low-end to high-end.

WAP is designed to work with most wireless networks such as CDPD, CDMA, GSM, PDC, PHS, TDMA, FLEX, ReFLEX, iDEN, TETRA, DECT, DataTAC, Mobitex and GRPS. WAP is a communications protocol and application environment. It can be built on any operating system including PalmOS, EPOC, Windows CE, FLEXOS, OS/9, JavaOS etc. It provides service interoperability even between different device families

How to create your own WAP site?
The Mobilizer (beta) can take your existing blogs, RSS or Atom Feeds and create a mobile site with no programming involved. In a few simple steps, you will be able to get your mobile optimized site up and running.

The Mobilizer allows you to earn mobile advertising revenue through our Publisher program, get a customized QR code and friendly URL for your mobilized site, distribute your contents virally through myGamma Share. Members can now use myGamma Share to share links to their favourite mobile pages and for their network of friends to discover exciting new mobile content.

Promoting your content with the myGamma Share program is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Download our icon and display it in your mobile web page.
  2. Link the icon to the myGamma Share tool page.
  3. This lets the myGamma mobile community share the link to your content!

Your mobile pages can then be the talking point of the myGamma community and your pages receive more hits.

To test out how your site can be mobilized, click HERE.

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