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10 School Dropouts Whose Innovations Changed the World

1-Thomas Edison
Many people well-thought-out Thomas Edison to be learning inactivated, and he dropped out of school at a young age. Later, Edison went on to discover some of the most important inventions of our time – the phonograph, the electric light bulb, and more.

2-Bill Gates

Gates is the head of one of the most successful corporations of all time – Microsoft – and also one of the world’s richest people. However, he essentially dropped out of Harvard            to start his company, never finishing school.

3-Cornelius Vanderbilt
He left school early – at age 11. However, he went on to variation the world by expanding the steamboat and railroad industries, changing transportation forever.

4-Frank Lloyd Wright
Lloyd Wright is measured to be one of the most influential architects of all time, and he changed the way the world believed about design. He also dropped out of high school and college, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

5-Richard Branson
He founded Virgin Group, which changed the whole world of entertainment, travel and media. Branson was dyslexic and school was solid for him, so he only attended until he was 16.

6-Albert Einstein
One of the most famous scientists of all time, Einstein industrialized the general theory of relativity. He dropped out of high school when he was only 15, but eventually refunded to school to focus on science and engineering.

7-Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs co-founded Apple, one of the most successful and powerful tech companies of all time. However, he did not finish college — dipping out of Reed College before graduation.

8-Michael Dell
Another tech name, Michael Dell is the founder of the Dell company. Dell dropped out of the University of Texas at Austin before graduation.

9-Coco Chanel
There’s no doubt that anyone had more inspiration on fashion and  style than Coco Chanel. However, she never attended a traditional school. Instead, she educated to be a seamstress at an orphanage growing up and ultimately became one of the most legendary names in fashion ever.

10-Mark Zuckerberg
Much has been written about Mark Zuckerberg, organizer of Facebook, the world’s largest social network. He is one of the greatest successful tech businesspersons of all-time, despite having dropped out of Harvard.



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